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Historical Firearms Pre World War 2

Lead Ball Group Calibre 11 mm

Lead Ball Group cal. 11 mm

All these balls were found together. It seems a hunter lost his ammo bag and the bag rotted away.

Pointed Lead Ball Group Middle 19. century

Pointed Lead Projectiles 1840 to 1870

These pointed projectiles were found on a battlefield that saw action in the middle of the 19. century. They were part of a discarded group of projectiles.
These pointed projectiles were the most advanced form of muzzle loaded bullets. For hundreds of years round lead balls were used. In the middle of the 19. century the pointed ones were introduced after some ways had been found to establish a certain rotation stabilisation. In the US civil war 1861-65 similar projectiles, called “three ringers” among US searchers, were used.

Decades later the era of muzzle loaded guns was over. When the important battle of Königgrätz (Czech Republic) was fought in 1866, the Prussian soldiers had breach loaded rifles, fired three times as often as their Austrian opponents – and won.

Muzzle Loaded Gun 1820-1880

While lead balls are common finds the guns used to fire them

This hunter’s weapon can be dated top the 1820-1880 period because of its piston ignition. The successor of the flintlock system was the most advanced ignition type for muzzle loaded guns. Because the material of the barrel is extremely thin, especially at the muzzle, I consider this weapon a low power hunting device suitable e.g. for hunting birds.

The item was found in a small creek among garbage. It was apparently disposed by its previous owner.

Find State

Muzzle Loader Find State. 1820-1880.

Cleaned State

Muzzle Loader Cleaned State. 1820-1880.


Muzzle Loader Bottom. 1820-1880.


Muzzle Loader Muzzle. 1820-1880.

Pinfire Revolver 1860-1880

The pinfire revolver was the first weapon to use cartridged ammunition. The cartridge was fired by hitting a pin that stood out of the cartridge. The pins pointed through the small rectangular holes visible at the chambers.

The system, also called Lefeucheux after its French inventor, was insecure and did not survive to our days with the exception of some hunting weapons. But it was a milestone in the development of firearms.

This item was found on a farm. It was hidden in the ground by the father of the current farmer when the US army arrived in Spring 1945.

Find State

Pinfire Revolver Find State. 1860-1880.

Cleaned View 1

Pinfire Revolver Cleaned. View 1. 1860-1880.

Cleaned View 2

Pinfire Revolver Cleaned. View 2. 1860-1880.

Cleaned View 3

Pinfire Revolver Cleaned. View 3. 1860-1880.

Two Bicyclist Revolvers Cal. .22. Ca. 1880-1920.

Revolvers .22 cal.

Up into the 1920s no permit was necessary to posses firearms in Germany. The so called bicyclist revolvers were sold for self defense against dogs and sinister characters when the city people used their bike to visit the countryside on weekends. Often made in Belgium, these cheap weapons were sold by mail order.

These two specimen were probably hidden when the US army arrived in Bavaria in Spring 1945. One has a hidden cock. This security feature can be found on some modern models as well.

Bicyclist Revolver Cleaned State View 1

Bicyclist Revolver. Cleaned State. View 1.

Ca. 1880-1920.

Bicyclist Revolver Cleaned State View 2

Bicyclist Revolver. Cleaned State. View 2.

The weapons were loaded. The cartridges can be seen well on the upper weapon.

Note: See disclaimer, section weapon law.

(C) Thorsten Straub 2006-2019.

Napoleon battlefields World War 2 Firearms